NOTE: Our work, and the events portrayed on this page, feature in BBC TV's new series EXPLORE: Patagonia to the Pampas.
View documentaries about our work on YouTube (
"Morally and Constitutionally Indefensible" is how the Supreme Court described the
Falkland Islands Government's attempts to silence reports that Falklands penguins are
starving to death through over-fishing. The Governor, Chief Executive, Attorney General
and members of Executive Council were declared to have acted illegally and immorally in
their attempts to silence a marine biologist calling for penguin protection.
Attempts to silence Mike Bingham's research into penguin declines included false arrests,
fabrication of evidence by the police, death threats, and an order by the Governor to deport
Bingham on the grounds that he had criticised the government for not protecting penguins.
The Supreme Court over-turned Governor Pierce's ruling, declaring it a gross breach of
human rights for improper motives, and ordered the Falkland Islands Government to pay all
Bingham's costs.
Read more about the Falkland Islands Government's attempts to silence our work.
This sordid tale of government corruption and greed, one man's fight to save Falklands penguins, and his historic victory over the Falklands government in the Supreme Court, is now published in paperback: The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham (ISBN: 1420813757) is available over the Internet using the link below, or through major book shops worldwide.
 THE FALKLANDS REGIME by Mike Bingham ISBN: 1420813757