HE The Governor
Government House
Falkland Islands
7th June 2002
Your Excellency
I am writing to you to express concern about
the starvation and decline of Falkland Islands penguins. During
April and May of this year, large areas of the Falklands have become
littered with the bodies of dead penguins. An examination of affected
areas shows that between 25% and 50% of Rockhopper penguins have
died, and about 10% of Gentoo penguins. Even allowing for areas
that were not affected, we conclude that at least 100,000 penguins
have probably died.
Examination of the affected sites also confirmed
that starvation was the cause. Some birds barely alive, still undergoing
their moult in June, were too weak to walk. Vultures and caracaras
were watching over them waiting for them to die. The average weight
of dead Rockhoppers was under 2kg, and dead and dying Gentoos weighed
just 4kg. Samples sent to the Veterinary Department were examined,
confirming no signs of illness or injury other than starvation.
The last mass starvation of Falklands penguins
occurred in 1986, and penguin populations have never recovered from
this event. Even though such events are not a regular occurrence
in the Falklands, they should not be happening at all. There are
some penguin species (Galapagos and Humboldt) which are prone to
occasional mass starvation due to natural cycles, however these
species have evolved the ability to reproduce rapidly during intermediate
years, laying 2 eggs up to three times per year. Rockhoppers have
evolved a breeding strategy of slow but sure, concentrating on rearing
one healthy chick per year. This is a breeding strategy adapted
to a stable environment, requiring low adult mortality and reliable
food resources. If Rockhopper populations are reduced through adult
starvation, they take decades to recover, as we have seen in the
Falklands since the 1986 event.
However, the occasional mass mortality of
adult penguins is just the tip of the iceberg. Less dramatic is
the starvation of hundreds of thousands of penguin chicks, which
occurs every year in the Falklands. I began studying penguin populations
in South America in 1996 to see if such large scale starvation of
chicks was normal. This research, combined with work done by others,
shows that it is not. Magellanic penguins in particular cannot sustain
the high levels of chick starvation that have occurred in the Falklands
over reason years, and their populations have plummeted.
Magdalena Island in Chile is the nearest
colony of Magellanic penguin burrows to the Falklands. Many years
ago commercial fishing was permitted around the island, and the
penguins declined. Then the Chilean government declared Magdalena
Island a nature reserve, and established a no-fishing zone around
the island, since when penguin populations have flourished.
With Magdalena Island now protected from
commercial fishing, Magellanic penguins can find food for their
chicks in just 14 hours. By comparison, Magellanic penguins in the
Falklands spend over 30 hours collecting the same amount of food,
and are forced to forage much further away from their colony. What
is potentially worse, is that in the Falklands these adults are
unable to find sufficient fish and squid, which is the preferred
food for their chicks. As a result they feed their chicks lobster
krill, which is presumably better than returning with nothing, but
lobster krill is very indigestible for chicks, and chicks cannot
survive on a diet of lobster krill.
With chicks in the Falklands receiving less
than half the amount of food, much of which is of a type that is
indigestible to chicks, it is not surprising that most of the Magellanic
penguin chicks in the Falklands starve every year. In Chile an average
of 1.4 chicks per nest survive, whilst in the Falklands it is less
than half that, averaging only 0.7 chicks per nest over the last
12 years.
Studies from other sites, such as Seno Otway,
confirm the differences observed, with Magellanic penguins there
finding food for chicks in less than 9 hours, resulting in an average
of 1.6 chicks per nest over the last 6 years.
In 1982, British troops sent to the Falklands
were told they were liberating an island of 2,000 people and 6 million
penguins, a figure supported by Croxall JP, McInnes SJ & Prince
PA (1984) in The status and conservation of seabirds at the Falkland
Islands, ICBP Technical Publication No.2, 271-291, ICBP, Cambridge.
Penguin censuses conducted in 1995 and 2001,
confirm that these 6 million penguins (3 million pairs) have crashed
to less than 1 million (500,000 pairs) over the last 20 years. This
decline is a result of the mass starvation of adult penguins in
1986, coupled with excessive starvation of chicks and juveniles
each year since, so that adults dying of natural causes are not
being replaced. This starvation of adults and chicks, and the decline
of penguin populations, began with the establishment of commercial
fisheries around the Falklands (not just since commercial fishing
became regulated in 1988). Other species dependent on fish and squid
have also declined over the last 20 years, such as cormorants and
elephant seals, whilst King penguins and Fur seals, that forage
on species not taken commercially, have flourished.
Twelve years of diet-sampling shows that
there is considerable overlap in the diet of Magellanic penguins,
which have declined most severely over recent years, and the commercial
fishing industry. We believe that the scientific evidence is very
strong that commercial fishing activities are having a negative
impact on penguin populations, through competition for food resources,
especially in the case of Magellanic penguins. The Spheniscus Penguin
Conservation Workshop, a consortium of penguin biologists from around
the world, has reached the same conclusion, and in September 2000
they called on all nations with Spheniscus penguins (Magellanic,
African, Humboldt and Galapagos) to establish a 30 mile no-fishing
zone around known breeding sites.
Research from around the world shows that
Spheniscus penguins (along with Gentoos and Rockhoppers) forage
within 30 miles of their colony whilst rearing chicks, unless a
depletion of resources forces them to forage further afield. This
is the most critical time to conserve prey close to shore. During
chick rearing, adults are limited as to how far from the nest they
can forage for two reasons. Firstly, the further they forage, the
more time (and energy) they waste swimming, so the less food brought
back to chicks in any given period. Secondly, penguins do not have
crops like other birds, so all the prey they catch goes straight
into the stomach. As a result, the further away from the nest they
catch food, the more it will have been digested by the time it gets
fed to chicks, especially when adults are expending more energy
through swimming further and foraging longer.
During egg incubation and early chick rearing,
one adult must remain on the nest, so each adult only has half the
amount of time to forage. Adult penguins will forage to meet their
own metabolic needs first, so chicks rely on adults catching a surplus
of food with which to feed chicks. The further that penguins need
to swim to find prey, and the more time and energy spent catching
prey because of reduced abundance, the less chance adults have of
catching sufficient surplus to keep chicks fed.
The Falkland Islands Government Fisheries
Department manages squid and fish stocks by recording catch per
unit effort. As commercial fishing gets underway, the abundance
of target species drops, so boats take longer to catch the same
amount of food. Clearly penguins feeding on this same squid and
fish also suffer from this drop in catch per unit effort, and are
forced to spend longer catching the food needed by themselves and
their chicks. It would be unreasonable to suppose that commercial
fisheries could remove large quantities of fish and squid from any
part of the world, without having an impact on seabirds and marine
mammals that feed on these species. Numerous scientific publications
show that Spheniscus penguins in particular suffer from commercial
fishing too close to breeding sites.
We therefore urge the Falkland Islands Government
to establish a 30 mile no-fishing zone around all major penguin
colonies during the months of October through to February. This
would keep the primary foraging areas required during breeding free
of commercial fishing vessels, reducing the competition which exists
between commercial fishing vessels, and seabirds such as penguins
and cormorants. Such protection would reduce the available fishing
grounds by less than 3%, for 5 months of the year, and a 3% reduction
in fishing grounds does not mean a 3% drop in income or catch. On
the contrary, as any population biologist will confirm, providing
a "safe-haven" is a very good way of preventing accidental over-exploitation
of target species by commercial fisheries. We therefore believe
that the disadvantages of implementing such protection would be
minimal, whilst the gains would be great in terms of wildlife protection,
fisheries management, and international goodwill.
Despite recent concerns over finances, the
Falkland Islands are wealthy. With an annual income to the Treasury
of over £20,000 per capita, financial shortfalls derive from problems
in managing expenditure, not a lack of income. Chile by comparison
is a very poor country, with a per capita income to the Treasury
of but a tiny fraction of that which the Falklands enjoys. Nevertheless,
it has taken measures to protect its penguins from commercial fishing,
through the establishment of a no-fishing zone policy, which has
yielded results in an up-turn in penguin populations. The Environmental
Research Unit therefore urges the Falkland Islands Government to
adopt similar measures to protect Falklands penguins.
I have forwarded a manuscript to the Falkland
Islands Government which I wrote for publication shortly before
the recent mass starvation of so many penguins. It provides some
of the scientific background that supports our petition. I have
asked Gilbert House to forward you a copy of this manuscript, but
ask that you treat it as commercially confidential, since it is
still in press.
Yours sincerely
Mike Bingham
Director & Company Secretary, Environmental Research Unit Ltd
Councillors Office
Environmental Planning Officer
Director of Fisheries
Adopt and name your penguin,
and we will send you reports and photos of your penguin's progress. We
will even send you a map to show you exactly where your penguin lives,
in case you ever want to visit. (Visitors are welcome).


 The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham
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