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Silvery Grebe
Podiceps occipitalis

Local Name: White Grebe

Breeding Range: Falkland Islands, Chile and Argentina
Length: 28cm.
Falklands Population: ~500 breeding pairs
World Population: unknown

Widely distributed around the Falklands in coastal creeks, slow-moving streams and freshwater ponds, the Silvery Grebe is less numerous than the White-tufted Grebe.

Floating nests are built under cover of water-margin vegetation in October, with 2 eggs being laid during November and December.

Adults dive to feed on small fish, invertebrates and aquatic vegetation.

Sexes are similar in appearance.

The Silvery Grebe is less territorial than the White-tufted Grebe, and is easily identified in the field. Its coloration is very different from the White-tufted Grebe, whilst the typical grebe shape distinguishes the Silvery Grebe from other waterfowl found in the Falklands.


silvery grebe
Silvery Grebe
Podiceps occipitalis


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penguin hatchling photograph

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click here to read more about our book penguins of the falkland islands and south america by doctor mike bingham

The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham - now available online here or from bookshops world-wide, ISBN: 1420813757

The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham


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