White-rumped Sandpiper
Calidris fuscicollis
Breeding Range: North America
Length: 17cm.
Falklands Population: ~100,000 non-breeding visitors
World Population: unknown
The White-rumped Sandpiper does not breed
in the Falkland Islands, but it occurs in the Falklands in such
large numbers during the austral summer that it is included in this
It is by far the most abundant wader seen
around the Falklands during the summer months, being found on mud-flats,
estuaries and rocky beaches throughout the islands.
It breeds along the Arctic coastlines of
North America, and makes its epic migration to South America and
the Falkland Islands each year, enjoying the summer in both hemispheres.
It feeds in flocks on a variety of invertebrates
which it searches for amongst sediments, seaweed, rockpools or coastal
The Falkland Islands hold the world's most
important feeding grounds for this species.
Sexes are similar in appearance.

Calidris fuscicollis
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will even send you a map to show you exactly where your penguin lives,
in case you ever want to visit. (Visitors are welcome).


 The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham
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