Peregrine Falcon
Falco peregrinus cassini
Local Name: Sparrow Hawk, Cassin's
Breeding Range: Falklands, Chile
& Argentina
Length: 42cm.
Falklands Population: ~300 breeding pairs
World Population: unknown
The Peregrine Falcon is widespread around
the Falklands but is not common.
Simple nests are made on steep seacliffs
or inland crags, with 2 to 4 eggs being laid during October. The
young hatch in November, and remain in the nest until they fledge
in January. The number of chicks that survive is very dependent
on the availability of food.
Prey mainly consists of small birds caught
on the wing, with prions being a particular favourite on western
islands. Rabbits and rodents are also taken occasionally.
The Peregrine Falcon is one of the world's
fastest animals, reaching speeds in excess of 100km per hour whilst
diving down to catch unsuspecting prey in flight. Despite its great
speed, surprise is the Peregrine's main asset, with small birds
often being able to take refuge if they spot the danger in time.
Sexes are similar.

Falco peregrinus
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will even send you a map to show you exactly where your penguin lives,
in case you ever want to visit. (Visitors are welcome).


 The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham
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