Magellanic Snipe
Gallinago magellanica magellanica
Local Name: Snipe
Breeding Range: Falklands & South
Length: 31cm
Falklands Population: ~8,000 breeding pairs
World Population: unknown
There is some uncertainty as to whether
Falklands Snipe should be divided into two distinct species, but
for the purposes here they are treated as one species.
Snipe are common in heath and grassland
throughout the Falklands, but they are very secretive and easily
Nests are hidden in vegetation, being simple
hollows lined with grass. Two or three eggs are laid from August
onwards, and young leave the nest at an early age in search of food
under the parents care.
A wide variety of invertebrates are taken
as prey, the long bill enabling them to wade in shallow ponds or
to extract earthworms and grubs from heath and grassland.
The Snipe's usual response to danger is
to remain still, their excellent camouflage making them very hard
to spot amongst vegetation.
Sexes are similar in appearance

Gallinago magellanica
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 The Falklands Regime by Mike Bingham
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